To move on and be healed.
Let's start at the beginning. This summer I formed a new relationship and that person became very dear to me. Long story short, a few weeks before I came back to school, my relationship with this person was fractured. I didn't realize how badly this affected me until I came back to school and actually had to see this person regularly. I was broken and changed.
I tried to go about things normally, but I think part of me was always hoping for things to go back to how they were during the summer, so when they never did, I was constantly disappointed and broken-hearted. Last night I got hurt again, and I decided that needed to be the last time. I was sick of being broken and it affecting my entire life. I just wasn't the same person that I had been before this whole ordeal went down.
I knew that there was no way I would be able to move on without God's help because I had been trying and trying this whole semester, and it just never worked. So I cried out for help and asked friends to pray for me as well.
This evening, I incredibly had nothing to do (well, at least nothing due tomorrow), so my roommate and I got coffee and went to Jonesborough since I had been wanting to go walk around there for about a week. It was so fun and relaxing (even if it was cold.)
On the way back, I realized that it's Wednesday and that The Well (a weekly service for college students) would be happening in half an hour, so I asked her if we should go. We agreed that it would be good to go.
It's amazing how God works these things out and pulls us to where He wants us. I could have been doing a bunch of other things, but He worked it out for me to be there, and I knew why within the first 5 minutes. The topic for the night was healing, renewing, and refreshing the soul. It was incredible and just what I needed to hear. It's like He's been there the whole time just waiting for me to turn to Him and ask for help. I'm so thankful that He is always there to heal my brokenness.
And to the friends who have been praying, thank you and please continue!