There's one girl in my life who I have known my entire life. Her name is Lauren. She is my sister. At this point in my life I have pretty fond feelings for her. However, this was not always the case. I asked my mom when the fighting began, and she reminded me about my first birthday party when my dear sister got impatient with my gift-unwrapping pace, and decided to take on the task herself. All I could do was scream. I can't explain it, she just got under my skin, and I have no doubt I got under her's. There were some good moments throughout the years - playing Barbies, building forts, listening to Adventures in Odyssey on family road trips, etc, but there was a lot of fighting. I remember one night it got so bad that we were just chasing each other through the house screaming. It was not pleasant, especially for my parents, I'm sure. During her senior year of high school, she started dating a certain gentleman who I did not like or approve of in the slightest, and since she was always with him, we hardly spent any time together.
But don't fret, the story takes a happy turn. When she went away to college, we started to miss each other, I guess. I got to go spend a weekend with her, experiencing college life during "Lil' Sibs' Weekend" at Anderson. This was a fun weekend, and I think that's when we actually started to like each other. We spent another year apart since I was still in high school, and then we ended up living in the same vicinity again. She had transferred to Milligan, and that is where I decided to spend my four years. She and her husband, Adam, had an apartment on campus, and I would go over there at least once a week to hang out with her. One night stands out in my mind: I think Adam was gone on a trip or something, and I wanted to hang out with Lauren, so I called and asked if I could come over. She initially said no because she had to do the dishes, but then I told her I would help with the dishes, so she welcomed me in with open arms. We had so much fun that night. I think I was freaking out about a boy, and we were both just really goofy. Much laughter was shared.
Last year, Lauren and Adam lived off campus, but I still went over there often (to do laundry, mainly, but still). I enjoy my time with them more than they know, and I look forward to a new year. Don't worry, guys, I'll still be visiting, laundry never ends. I haven't valued my sister's friendship for very long, but I am so very thankful for her. Thanks for always being there, Lo Lo! I love you so much!
And now, a few pictures...
Aren't we cute |
She claims I was choking her... |
I love her a lot |
At the wedding...I was the Maid of Honor |
At Milligan |
Aw thanks MandaMoo, I love you too :)