Let me preface this entry by saying that I have been working at a fast-food restaurant this summer. More on that later.

Our society moves so fast. We don't even see people as individuals anymore, and this is deeply sad and troubling. I never realized how bad it was until I got this job, and I am incredibly grateful for this experience (never thought I'd say that). I'm not saying you have to get to know the person's life story or anything, but just realize that the person you're dealing with has joys, struggles, and opinions about religion. Christ calls us to love everyone, even the cashier at the fast food place or gas station. Everyone. Even when it's hard and the last thing you want to do is smile.
I'm not trying to preach at anyone because I'm telling this as much to myself as I am trying to encourage you to reflect on this. I realize it goes the other way, too. Sometimes the person you're interacting with isn't thinking of you as an individual either, but we can't control them. All we can do is try to be aware of how we are treating others and model ourselves after Jesus Christ as much as we can.
Now take a look at this catchy music video (by my favorite people) that kind of exemplifies these thoughts:
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