
Monday, August 19, 2013

It's Friendship

Sometimes I get really overwhelmed with love for my friends. This happened today, so this post is dedicated to all of my beautiful, incredibly loving, and caring friends. (I also picked today because I am incredibly sleepy, so I don't think I can form too many complete sentences.) Thank you all for always being there for me. You'll never know how much I love you.

*Not pictured: Sarah Beth Hill, Jim & Stephanie Dalrymple, Ethan Henley, the Zeigler family, Leanna Westerhoff, and others I'm sure*

This girl. Is pretty great. 
I have learned so much from all these people

I look up to this girl so much
Throwback  to one of the first days of freshman year
Game nights are always good
One of the best birthday dinners ever
These girls :)
Two of my favorites!!!
Cousins :)
This girl is the sweetest
Fire alarm adventures with the best possible people
These people make me smile
Love this girl more than most
Blessed that my sister is one of my best friends
Thankful for this guy
Former roommate, never fails to amuse or encourage me :)
Love herrrrr
So incredibly blessed by these people for many years

The best friends to grow up with :)

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